Recently I have tried to slow down and really look more at the world around me. As grand as the landscapes are in Vermont, I have been drawn to the site of the garden of my mother-in-law. It is nestled near a rolling meadow, lush woods, and the clear waters of Fairfield Pond. Driving to work I flit by her garden daily. I find my gaze rests there as a place of comfort. It is close to where I live and walking past it or sitting with her it is noticeable that the bugs and birds fill it with both their noises, reminding us of their presence. Birds can often be seen as pests in the garden, but watching them play and forage while resting in the shade brings both calm and joy. The birds seem light-of-wing and makes the franticness of the day ease and I feel my body relax. Vermont holds so many special gardens right outside of our doors, filled with tradition, family, and a sense of accomplishment. My birdhouse is inspired by a little blackberry patch in Fairfield, Vt that brings comfort to people, critters, and birds alike.
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