Juried Artist Member

802ARTsHouse is always on the lookout for new members!  We are a 501(c)3 charitable organization whose main function is to support the Vermont Region artists!  802ARTsHouse is a juried organization and as such we can offer you entry into some fabulous shows, workshops, and retreats! We are collaborating with several show producers to find the very best venues for our artists.  Currently there is an annual membership fee of $50.

Jurying into 802ARTsHouse is free.  The first phase consists of a written application – the more detail and description you add, the easier it is for our jurors.  We also ask for 8-10 photographs of your work.  These photographs should be of a high quality as they will be the basis for your acceptance.

We also ask for at least 2 pictures of your booth space as you might have it in one of our shows.  For higher end shows we require a full booth set up with side and back walls.  You may use a tent structure – but your booth should NOT look like a tent!  There should be branding evident and more to emphasize your product.

Interested?  Head over to our  JURY page to get started.

We have several shows in the works for 2025.  We hope you will consider joining 802ARTsHouse today.